The Nutellatte
Once upon a time, I had a MARVELOUS idea (I get those sometimes). A Nutella latte. To be honest, I’ve got to give credit for this amazing thing to my favorite coffee shop in the entire world, Paul’s Coffee in Chewelah, Washington. It’s a good thing I don’t live close enough to go there daily, because I’d have to take up a third job to pay for that habit. Paul made my brother a peanut butter blended mocha once (YES, it is every bit as good as it sounds). So that’s where this marvelous idea came from.
And it’s too hard to say “Nutella latte” so I shortened it to Nutellatte. You’re welcome.
See that frothy goodness?! No fancy equipment required.
Because coffee and Nutella are two of my favorite things in the entire world (apparently “the entire world” contains a lot of my “favorites”). I wanted to share the love, so I’ve posted the recipe below (so easy!), as well as a handy-dandy-Pinterest-ready recipe graphic.
I know the week of Thanksgiving isn’t the time to be loading up on extra sugar. BUT. Make this after turkey-day dinner and I promise everyone in the house will find tummy room for it.
In fact, you can make this with a French press, shaker bottle whisk, and microwave (or other method of heating milk). Take that, Starbucks.

I should also mention that I’m the kind of person who buys Nutella in Costco-sized quantities. I don’t eat it on everything, but I must say that French toast is MUCH improved with the presence of Nutella.
1/3 c milk
1/3 c heavy cream
OR 2/3 c half & half (but I like to go a little heavy on the cream…)
2 heaping tablespoons Nutella
Heat the above ingredients in a mason jar to 100 degress (warm to the touch).
Drop in a shaker bottle whisk and shake until frothy (PS: PUT THE LID ON THE JAR ALL THE WAY… noooo, not talking from experience, what?)
Pour into a BIG mug and fill the rest of the way with extra-strong coffee. Real lattes use espresso (and “steamed milk,” but whatever), so if you want your latte strong, brew that coffee STRONG.
And live happily ever after.

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If you have other improvements/variations, ALSO let me know. I love making good things better.
PS: speaking of making good things better… whipped cream never hurts.