Thankfulness from A-Z

“It is necessary, then, to cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

This is one of my favorite days of the whole year. But it’s more than the sticky dough of my Mom’s best rolls, the fresh slices of pecan pie, and my favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner – the stuffing. It’s more than setting the table and putting on pearl earrings.

It’s Daddy’s prayer at the dinner table for all of God’s blessings. It’s my family being close even though we’re all in different corners of the country. It’s a heart overflowing with gratefulness. It’s a list of the wonderful things God’s done for me. Looking back over my life, I can’t find anything in my life that doesn’t have the fingerprint of Him on it. It’s ten thousand reasons for my soul to sing.

I’m thankful for apple crisp, adventures, and authenticity.

Boarding passes – they mean something exciting is about to happen. Baking. Beginnings. Old books, new books, and my worn-out Bible.
Classes… even though they’re a challenge, I’m learning and growing in more ways than I thought possible. And of course, coffee… and chocolate.
A Daddy who loves me like I’ll always be his little girl. Morning devotions, and daddy-daughter dates, and my dog.

Eighty-eight keys. Echoes.
Fairytales to tell my little sister, my friends, and having too many freedoms to count.
I’m thankful for GRACE. The green fields by my home. Giggling with my sisters.
Hands. Hardworking, calloused, loving, piano-playing, capable hands. I’m thankful for history, a heritage, and a home.
In Christ alone, my hope is found.
My “favorite” (only) brother Joe. My comfy, worn-out jeans. My Jesus.

Knots…either they mean tangles and undoing your mistakes and making everything right with the world or they mean strength, they mean they can’t be separated. And for keepsakes, and for forehead kisses.
I’m thankful for LOVE. For light, for life. Learning. 
My Mama… my bestest friend. I’m thankful for music, moments, and memories.
New days, new sunrises, new songs.
Opportunities, open fields, ocean waves.
Pictures that chronicle a life… photography. Prayers.

Quarter notes, a reminder that sometimes life just needs to be broken down into simple terms.
For running, and the feeling afterwards. My roomies. My favorite song on the radio, and good long roadtrips. Rainy days
A lot of good things start with S… summer sunshine, stories, snowboarding, the blue sky, symphonies, and most of all, my sisters.
Time. Today, tomorrow.
Thankful for God’s unfailing promises and umbrellas.
A good game of volleyball. Vacations. Vintage treasures.
Winter. Wildflowers. Wind.
X… because when it appears next to a list of things to do, it means a job well done. For exciting, unexpected texts.
The years in my life, and all my yesterdays.
Ziplock bags bursting with the summer bounty of homegrown fruit, now nestled away in our freezer.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING, friends! What are you thankful for?

I praise Thee for the desert road, // And for the riverside;
For all Thy goodness hath bestowed, // And all Thy grace denied.
I thank Thee for both smile and frown, // And for the gain and loss;
I praise Thee for the future crown // And for the present cross.
I bless Thee for the glad increase, // And for the waning joy;
And for this strange, this settled peace // Which nothing can destroy.
Jane Crewdson


  1. This post is absolutely beautiful, Hannah. =) I definitely want to do one of these thankful a-z lists sometime! =) And gorgeous pictures, too, btw. =) Blessings!

  2. LOVE that quote, friend! And was blessed by your thoughts on Thanksgiving. This is such a wonderful list and I'm so glad you shared it. 🙂 Oh, so thankful for YOU!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    ps. that feeling after running? one of the best. never thought I'd say that, but can only heartily echo your sentiment! 🙂

  3. Your list is so thoughtful and sincere, Hannah. Yes, I am thankful for yesterdays, roadtrips, and of course books. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. 🙂


  4. Wonderful. A very wonderful list of gratitude and thankfulness! Very touching, Hannah 😉

    A Happy Thanksgiving to you too! Hope it was a great one. 🙂

    Take care!

  5. this is just beautiful; your words touched me SO much.

    and your photos? well let's just say they're a little too gorgeous.

    xx from england,


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